r10 - 26 Oct 2012 - 15:37:32 GMT - VladAtanasiu?You are here: Bernstein > Waqwaq Web > WebHome
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Results from Waqwaq web retrieved at 15:07 (GMT)

Dinamlex Collaboration The collaboration with the Institute of Lexicography of Austrian Dialects and Names of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna concerns GIS ...
Collaborations Waqwaq is ready to assist you develop custom solutions as required by your datasets and specific applications. Contact us if you are interested in scientific ...
Number of topics: 2
Paris, France
Waqwaq - mapping cultural geographies

http://www.bernstein.oeaw.ac.at/twiki/bin/view/Waqwaq/WebHome · r10 · 26 Oct 2012 · 15:37:32 · VladAtanasiu
Waqwaq: Mapping cultural geographies · http://www.waqwaq.info
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